Kirkland Water Heater Installation

Your water heater running out of hot water is annoying, to say the least. Moreover, issues with your heater can actually be hazardous and create many long-term problems for your health and household. If you need a new water heater installed in your home, Ally Plumbing & Restoration is more than happy to handle the installation. We’ll remove and dispose of your old water heater and install your new one flawlessly. If you’re unsure what kind of water heater will work best for your home, our team can make professional suggestions. Book your Kirkland water heater installation service today!

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    Are You Due for a New Water Heater?


    If your water heater is over ten years old, you are probably due for a new water heater. This is because as your heater ages, it loses its ability to heat water efficiently and is susceptible to many problems. Here’s a brief overview of some common signs you need a new water heater:

    • Rust or Corrosion: A heavily corroded water heater can disrupt the quality of your home’s drinking water and even lead to electrical breakdowns.
    • Leaks: Water leaking from your tank is a significant problem and one that is often ‌irreparable.
    • Unexplained Noises: Noises from your water heater are never a good sign.
    • Weak Water Pressure: If your water pressure is weaker than usual or nonexistent, something is typically off with your water heater.
    • High Utility Bills: If your utility bills are incredibly high, it may be a sign that your water heater’s efficiency is diminishing. Installing a new energy-efficient water heater is your best bet.

    Water Heater Installation Near Me in Kirkland

    When you work with Ally Plumbing & Restoration for your water heater installation, you can expect the highest level of service, quality, and professionalism. Our talented team of Kirkland plumbers has decades of experience, amassing a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of installing every type of heater you can think of. Best of all, our friendly, personable staff make this process easy and enjoyable from start to finish. You can look forward to a seamless installation and, most importantly, impressive results.

    Tankless Water Heater Installation in Kirkland

    Tankless water heaters have been gaining popularity among Kirkland homeowners as more and more people are moving towards energy-efficient HVAC and plumbing systems. Unlike traditional tank water heaters, tankless models are highly efficient as they heat water on demand through an in-unit heat exchanger.

    One of the most significant benefits of tankless water heaters is that they don’t waste any hot water. Moreover, they ensure you never run out of hot water, even when multiple people are using hot water at once.

    Another advantage of tankless water heaters is their environmental impact. Since this style of water heater only heats water when required, they use much less energy than traditional units. This helps reduce your household’s carbon footprint and lowers your utility bills, which is a bonus!

    At Ally Plumbing & Restoring, we highly recommend tankless water heaters to our customers in Kirkland. This is because we believe its efficient heating abilities benefit both our customer’s lifestyle needs and budgets. Please contact us if you have any inquiries or questions about tankless water heaters or tankless water heater installation. Our team of Kirkland plumbers will be happy to help you find ‌the best choice that suits your specific needs and requirements.

    Book Your Kirkland Water Heater Installation Service Today!

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