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    What is an Orting Sewer Backup?

    Orting Sewer Backup

    If you have a sewer backup in your Orting, WA, home, count on Ally Plumbing to fix it. A sewer backup in Orting is when wastewater from your home’s plumbing system flows in the wrong direction. Instead of heading out to the main sewer line, it comes back up through your drains, toilets, or other plumbing fixtures.

    When the wastewater flow gets reversed, you have a backup on your hands. A sewer backup in Orting can range from a minor annoyance to a major disaster.

    You might notice a little gurgling in your toilet in Orting. In more severe cases, you could find yourself ankle-deep in some seriously unpleasant water in your basement. Either way, Orting sewer backup is not something you want to ignore. Call a plumber as soon as you notice:

    • Basement toilet backing up in your home
    • Basement main drain backup
    • Messy sewer drain backup
    • Sewer water in basement from backed up drains

    An Orting sewer backup can cause some serious damage to your home and your health if left unchecked. Think of your sewer system as a one-way street. Water and waste should always be heading out, never coming back in. Reach out to Ally Plumbing at (844) 669-ALLY for fast solutions.

    Causes of an Orting Sewer Pipe Backup

    Orting Sewer Pipe Backup

    Tree roots are sneaky little invaders and one of the most common causes of a sewer pipe backup in Orting. Trees are always on the hunt for water and nutrients, and your sewer line in Orting is like an all-you-can-eat buffet for them.

    Over time, roots can work their way into tiny cracks or loose joints in your pipes. Once they are in, they start to grow and spread, creating blockages and resulting in an Orting sewer pipe backup.

    If you have got big trees in your yard, especially older ones, keep an eye out for signs of root intrusion. Slow drains or gurgling toilets could be early warning signs of an Orting sewer pipe backup. If you ignore routine sewer cleaning, you could end up with:

    • Backed up sewer line causing property damage
    • Plumbing backed up into your home
    • Main sewer line backed up and leaking raw sewage
    • Backed up pipes resulting in health hazards

    Another sewer pipe backup culprit in Orting is clogs. These can form when things that should not go down the drain end up there anyway. When these items build up in your pipes, they can create a dam that stops water from flowing freely.

    Call Ally Plumbing at (844) 669-ALLY if you are experiencing a sewer pipe backup in Orting.

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